Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Annual Speech Contest 2019-20 AGENDA

Annual Speech Contest 2019-20

Dear Toastmasters of Al-Khobar Tamil Toastmasters Clubs,

It is my pleasure and privilege to share the most awaited Agenda of our Annual club English speech contest for the year 2019-2020.

As informed already to all the members, the Club Contest will be held on 27th December 2019 (Friday) at Holidays Restaurant, Dammam.  Please observe the agenda for the timings.

The contest will include the four category of toastmaster’s speech contest.

1.   Evaluation speech contest

2.   Table Topic speech contest

3.   International speech contest

4.   Humorous speech contest.  

The  registration will begin at 2.00 pm and the meeting will be started exactly by 2.45pm. Hence, we request all the contestants and assignee's to be at the venue by 2.00pm.

Also, please note that the pre-contest briefing and the Speaking lot selection session was held on Friday 19th December  2019 at Holidays restaurant.

The various committee members were requested to reach the venue for the pre-event arrangements as planned.

It is the great platform to develop our speaking, leadership and organizing ability. Let us deliver the grate performance in all our speeches for we request all the contestant to practice for the best. Let us also join our hands together as team to execute the event with joy, smooth, growth and of course 

"Challenge your Limits to be a Champion"

Kind Regards,

TM.Baghyalakshmi Venu


Al-Khobar Tamil TMC

Mob: 0532144780



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